Posts tagged PTX
NDItech Goes to (Tech) Camp


The last few months, we here at NDItech have had the great opportunity to talk civic innovation, transparency and accountability with dozens of civic groups, journalists and government officials through a few TechCamps and PeaceTech Exchanges. These programs, put on by the State Department and PeaceTech Lab, respectively, link technical experts with innovators across the globe to brainstorm, “pitch” and ultimately bring to life smart, contextualized tech solutions to pressing community problems. It’s been a pleasure for us (your bloggers) to be a part of these sessions, which we wanted to share a bit about with you all (our loyal readers).

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Twila LaMarPTXComment
Giving Peacetech a Chance


Last year, in Abu Dhabi, a group of young coders participated in an event its organizers called a Haqqathon. “Haqq” is the Arabic word for truth, an appropriate term for a gathering aimed at mobilizing Muslim programmers to fight Islamic extremism. The winner: a mobile app allowing young people to receive answers to questions from authoritative Muslim scholars in millennial-friendly, 60-second video clips, a far cry from the hour-long treatises typically presented by the experts.

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Twila LaMarPTXComment
Profits of Peace

Worth Magazine

When the forces of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, commonly known as ISIS, rolled into Mosul, Iraq's second-largest city, in June 2014, the Iraqi soldiers garrisoned there dropped their guns, discarded their uniforms and fled. ISIS warriors seized abandoned weapons, including reportedly six American-supplied Black Hawk Helicopters, and piles of cash stored in banks.

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Workshops ere Connecting Community Leaders in Conflict Zones With Tech Solutions

Huffington Post

Basra is just one of the places where the Washington, D.C.-based, government-funded United States Institute of Peace is hosting workshops, called PeaceTech Exchanges, through its PeaceTech Lab. The exchanges are intended to connect community peace builders in conflict zones -- activists, civic leaders and even government officials -- with accessible tech platforms and like-minded partners who can help them transform their ideas into reality.

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Welcome To PeaceTech, The Movement To Use Technology To End Violent Conflict And Extremism

Fast Company

Peacetech projects often tackle the typical drivers of conflict: inter-ethnic and inter-religious tensions, gender violence, and land disputes. "Most conflict today is about these local drivers," says Himelfarb. It's a matter of minority rights, corruption, authoritarian regimes. It's (addressing) these drivers which allow you to have a lasting peace and not lapse back into violence again."

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Mobile Technology and the Peacebuilding Reboot

Public Diplomacy Magazine

With the advent of new technology and dissemination methods that reach nearly every corner of the globe, the face of peacebuilding is changing rapidly. In 2014, the United States Institute of Peace (USIP) launched the PeaceTech Lab, an independent organization dedicated to harnessing the power of data, technology, and media for conflict prevention and peacebuilding.

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