Mobile Technology and the Peacebuilding Reboot

Public Diplomacy Magazine

With the advent of new technology and dissemination methods that reach nearly every corner of the globe, the face of peacebuilding is changing rapidly. In 2014, the United States Institute of Peace (USIP) launched the PeaceTech Lab, an independent organization dedicated to harnessing the power of data, technology, and media for conflict prevention and peacebuilding. The Lab is a culmination of many smaller initiatives, developed by the Institute across its 30 year history, that bring together peacebuilding practitioners and innovators to identify high-impact opportunities for technology to bolster peacebuilding and stability operations. What follows is a series of case studies demonstrating a peacebuilding reboot, one that combines the hard tools of technology with the soft power objectives of peacebuilding carried out by diverse actors across the globe.

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