Posts tagged Myanmar
Workshops ere Connecting Community Leaders in Conflict Zones With Tech Solutions

Huffington Post

Basra is just one of the places where the Washington, D.C.-based, government-funded United States Institute of Peace is hosting workshops, called PeaceTech Exchanges, through its PeaceTech Lab. The exchanges are intended to connect community peace builders in conflict zones -- activists, civic leaders and even government officials -- with accessible tech platforms and like-minded partners who can help them transform their ideas into reality.

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Wielding Technology to Combat Dangerous Speech in Myanmar

United States Institute of Peace

Myanmar continues to experience intermittent violence and power struggles that threaten its progress toward sustainable peace, even as the country has made progress in its democratic transition. To help address the tensions, the U.S. Institute of Peace recently linked technologists with civic activists to bolster efforts aimed at countering the kind of dangerous speech fueling the flames of inter-religious conflict.

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Kelly HoyeMyanmar, Burma, PTX