Posts tagged Facebook
Facebook Eyes New Partnerships to Better Understand 'High-Risk Areas'


As Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg works to convince 2 billion users — and United States lawmakers — that the company can address issues related to privacy, disinformation, and hate speech, they also acknowledge they have struggled to understand how people in “high-risk areas” might use the far-reaching online platform “to create real risks of harm and violence,” said Joel Kaplan, Facebook’s vice president for U.S. public policy, at the PeaceTech Summit in Washington, D.C., on Tuesday.

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Facebook and PeaceTech Lab Join NDI at Launch of Arabic language E-learning Platform

National Democratic Institution

This week, NDI launched its new Arabic-language e-learning and training platform, or“learn-engage” in English. Redesigned with support from the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), this platform, which is also designed to be used on mobile phones, represents a new era in online engagement with and among democracy advocates in the Middle East and North Africa.

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