1,055 Terrorist Attacks Took Place in 2017, Resulting in 6,123 Fatalities

Daily News Egypt

The death toll from global terrorism-related attacks accounted for approximately 6,123 fatalities in 2017, including the Friday Rawda mosque attack in Egypt, according to data from the “terrorist attacks map”, a collaboration between the Esri Story Maps team and PeaceTech Lab, made to present a chronology of terrorist attacks around the globe.

However, despite the appalling number of deaths resulting from terrorism in 2017, the deaths represent a large decrease from the 25,673 that occurred in 2016, of which 9,765 deaths were in Iraq alone, and less than a peak of 31,321 deaths in 2014, according to the “Global Terrorism Index” (GTI) 2017 report published in November by the Institute for Economics and Peace.

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