Newly-Created PeaceTech Lab Announces Board of Directors

PeaceTech Lab

Technological innovation is moving at breakneck speed and with it the power to drive positive change. In conflict areas around the globe people are harnessing technology, media and data to prevent or reduce violent conflict in their communities. Supporting this global movement to save lives is PeaceTech Lab, an organization created by the U.S. Institute of Peace (USIP) and spun off as a separate entity.

PeaceTech Lab CEO Sheldon Himelfarb has worked in conflict zones around the world for the better part of two decades. “Each of us has the power to send information and money around the world with the push of a button. Every day we are seeing that power being used to promote or prevent violence,” said Dr. Himelfarb. “PeaceTech Lab brings together engineers and activists, MBAs and conflict experts, social scientists and data scientists, to develop new ways to use media, tech and data to save lives.” 

“With our new board, that we are announcing today, we are enlisting individuals, corporations, foundations and others who have an interest in harnessing this amazing and unprecedented capability to make a truly global impact on war and peace,” added Dr. Himelfarb.

Read the full press release here.