Promoting Peace and Stability by Empowering Youth.
Now four seasons in, Sawa Shabab (Together Youth) is a South Sudan peace radio series aired by nearly 30 local stations across the country. Produced locally by Ammalna in collaboration with PeaceTech Lab and the United States Institute of Peace, the series promotes peace and stability by empowering youth to be confident, open-minded, participatory citizens in a diverse society.
Each season consists of twenty episodes in English and Arabic. The first two seasons aired in 2014 and 2015 on Radio Miraya, the Catholic Radio Network, and other stations in South Sudan. Sawa Shabab has a reach that includes IDP and refugee camps such as Kakuma in Kenya as well as South Sudanese remaining in conflict-affected areas within South Sudan.
Sawa Shabab Peacebuilding Curriculum.
Sawa Shabab is based on an educational, peacebuilding curriculum designed closely with local partners. The curriculum seeks to increase knowledge and change the attitudes and behaviors of youth listeners on their roles in building peace in South Sudan. The series’ curriculum focuses on three main areas, identified by local experts as critical to building peace in South Sudan.
Co-Existence and National Identity
To promote peaceful co-existence and mutual respect among South Sudanese youth from different cultural and tribal orientations.
Youth Empowerment and Personal Responsibility
To create the foundations of peacebuilding by empowering South Sudanese youth to be accountable, independent and participatory citizens of society.
To promote peaceful and democratic growth in society by fostering an understanding of gender equality.

Interact with Sawa Shabab.
You can join the Sawa Shabab community on Facebook, and follow the series on Twitter. The radio programs also includes opportunities for young listeners in South Sudan to interact through text messages and phone calls. Listeners are invited to share their thoughts as they follow the main characters and respond to scripted questions at the end of each episode.